For many years it has become common knowledge that the Mother Mosque is in need of renovation and expansion.
This was one point highlighted in the documentary ‘The Mosque Next Door’ in relation to the Women’s Prayer Section.
For many years at AGM’s members agreed for work to be carried out and events were held to raise funds for the project.
The committee and trustees are happy to announce that work has finally commenced on this major project to preserve and care for this historic mosque, in order to have it utilised for the Muslim Ummah who regularly attend prayers and functions held there.
Advantage was taken during the lock down period of the Covid-19 to begin this work.
Haneef Deen began the excavation of the ground, digging and preparing a five metre deep hole so that the foundations of the new extension could be laid.
On Friday, 12 July a ground breaking ceremony was held with committee members, trustees and some elderly members to see off the start of the work on the foundations.
Imam Uzair led a dua for those who were present to thank Allah for all His blessings and to pray that this work can be completed to benefit his Ummah.
More updates will be provided to the community regarding this work in the next two weeks to ensure all are informed about the plans, costings and expected completion date